Max and Benny's Blog
Monday, May 26, 2014
Cheese Blintz Souffle
Our cheese blintz souffle has just been added to our deli case at Max and Benny's. It's a perfect dish for the warmer weather. Cheese blintz souffle is traditional for the Jewish holiday of Shavous which begins next week on the evening of June 3. Stop by, pick some up, and be sure to say hello.
Sunday, May 4, 2014
Jerry Witkovsky Speaks at Max and Benny's on June 9th
The next featured author at the Chicago Jewish Authors Series at Max and Benny’s on Monday evening, June 9th, is Jerry Witkovsky, who will discuss his new book, The Grandest Love: Inspiring the Grandparent-Grandchild Connection. Mr. Witkovsky has been a beloved mentor to thousands of Jewish Chicagoans. He was the Director of Camp Chi for many years, and later became the General Director of Chicago’s Jewish Community Centers. His joyful commitment to his own six grandchildren (ages 10-30) and his passionate belief in the transformative power of becoming a “Teaching-and-Learning” family is at the heart of The Grandest Love. This is an event that you will not want to miss! This free presentation begins at 7:00 pm. We encourage you to come early and have dinner at the restaurant. Make your reservations by email to Richard Reeder at
Saturday, April 19, 2014
July 8th is South Sider Night 2014 at Max and Benny's
South Sider Night at Max and Benny's is a tradition that South Shore, Bowen and Hyde Park alumni always look forward to. This year South Sider Night is Tuesday, July 8th. The fun begins at 5:00 pm. Come with old friends or on your own. Max and Benny's owner, South Shore alum Lester Schlan will be there to greet you. Who knows who you might meet that evening? We will even prepare some nostalgic South Side food delights for you. No reservations required, but if you have six or more in your party you might want to call the restaurant at 847-272-9490 to make one to secure seating. Email Richard Reeder at if you have any questions about South Sider Night at Max and Benny's.
Sunday, March 30, 2014
Roberta Dietzen is Next Featured Author at Max and Benny's on May 5th
Roberta Dietzen, a North Shore author, will be the featured speaker at the next Max and Benny's Chicago Jewish Authors Literary Series on Monday evening, May 5, starting at 7:00 pm. Come early and have dinner before the event. Ms. Dietzen's new book, "Gypsy Music Street," is a memoir; a family history about love, loss and the endless ramifications of the Holocaust through the generations that followed. The story delves into what it means to be a child of immigrants, a caregiver for an aged parent, and the occasionally exasperating mother/daughter relationship that will resonate with many readers.
After her mother's death, the author embraced her mother's dream of seeing the town of her birth and youth just one more time. Ms. Dietzen made an extraordinary journey to Hungary and Ukraine to explore her family history. In light of the recent political unrest unfolding in the part of the world, she is very happy she decided to travel to Eastern Europe when she did.
"Gypsy Music Street"is available in print or as an ebook on Amazon. If you plan on attending this event, please contact Richard Reeder at
Monday, March 24, 2014
Nobody Does Passover Food Better Than Max and Benny's
How many times have you heard the remark that "nobody does Passover (Pesach) food better than Max and Benny's?" Happily we hear that comment often, and we truly believe it. Our Passover Dinners to Go are loaded with delicious items such as brisket and chicken, chopped liver, sweet and sour meatballs, matzo ball soup, tsimmes, matzo and potato kugel and an amazing choice of the most scrumptious Passover desserts in town. Max and Benny's First and Second Night Passover Dinners at the restaurant have become a memorable tradition for Chicago area families for many years. Everything Passover from the lamb shank to charoses is available at the Max and Benny's deli. So when you think Passover food this year, think only Max and Benny's, your one-stop Passover food location!
Marvin the Maven
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
Max and Benny's Hamantaschen Celebrates Purim
Purim is the holiday in which Jews around the world celebrate the victory over oppression and persecution personified by Haman. We remember the evil Haman, who received his just dessert(pun intended)in being hanged, by baking a triangular fruit-filled pastry for Purim called hamantaschen (literally Haman's pockets in Yiddish) which represents Haman's three-cornered hat. Celebrate your Purim by stopping in at the bakery at Max and Benny's and pick up the hamantaschen of your choice, which includes prune, poppyseed, cheese, cherry, apricot and raspberry among others.
Sunday, February 9, 2014
Max and Benny's is Part of North Shore Restaurant Month February 2014
Max and Benny's is a participating restaurant in Chicago's North Shore Restaurant Month this February. That means if you go to the website, and print out the coupon, you will receive 15% off your guest check at Max and Benny's throughout the month of February. Such a deal!
Monday, January 6, 2014
Bruce Levine to Host Hot Stove League Forum at Max and Benny's
Once again, our good friend WSCR's legendary baseball analyst Bruce Levine, will be hosting a Hot Stove League forum at Max and Benny's on Wednesday evening, February 5 at 7:00 PM. Will Theo Epstein's transformation of the Cubs reap benefits this year? Can the White Sox contend in 2014? Bruce will give his perceptive insights to these and other baseball questions that evening. The event is free. Come early and have dinner at the restaurant. Please contact Richard Reeder at if you plan to attend or have any questions.
Sunday, December 29, 2013
Max and Benny's Caters to CPAs
Tax Season is now here for accountants. Max and Benny's would like to make this time less taxing for you by catering to your hunger needs at your office during the long and tiring days ahead. This Tax Season we tell all our accountant friends that we can offer them CPA(Corned beef, Pastrami And everything else. Check out our delicious menu at and then call us at 847-272-9490 to place your order. Remember: Max and Benny's is the deli that makes your food delivery delicious!
Thursday, December 19, 2013
What are you doing Christmas, Christmas Day?
Both Max and Benny's restaurant and deli are open from 8:00 am until 8:00 pm on Christmas Day. Stop by and dine-in or carryout. The atmosphere is always most delightful at Max and Benny's on Christmas Day. It's more than likely that you'll meet someone you know!
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
The Max and Benny's fabulous lox and cream cheese on an onion bagel was featured on the front page of The North Shore Weekend that was delivered to every home in Glenview, Northbrook and Deerfield this past weekend. We thank writer Bill McLean for his nice journalistic piece, and photographer Joel Lerner for his great shots of our food.
Friday, November 29, 2013
Author Ronald Balson at Max and Benny's on January 13
Our next featured speaker at the Max and Benny’s Chicago Jewish Authors Literary Series is Ronald Balson, the author of “Once We Were Brothers.” The book will be available for sale. This amazing novel’s narrative interweaves between contemporary Chicago and Holocaust-era Poland. It’s a remarkable tale of one man’s courage and perseverance, and the ultimate triumph of good over evil. This free event takes place in the Back Room of the restaurant on Monday evening, January 13, at 7:00 p.m. Come early and eat. If you plan to attend, please let Richard Reeder know by emailing him at
Saturday, November 16, 2013
Max and Benny's in the News
Max and Benny's very own Jon Soble will be featured on WGN Radio this week. Jon will be on the Bob Sirott and Marianne Murciano show on Wednesday afternoon, November 20 at 1:35 speaking about Thanksgivukkah. Also, the Northbrook Tower will be running an article about the dishes that Max and Benny's has specially prepared for Thanksgivukkah.
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Spice up the blended holiday of Thanksgivukkah with Max and Benny's scrumptious pumpkin kugel. A side dish worth kvelling about.
Monday, November 11, 2013
In the spirit of the upcoming Thanksgivukkah, Max and Benny's will be making turkey sufganiyot, which are made to look like jelly donut balls, but are actually turkey balls ground with stuffing and fried and topped with corn flake crumbs. They are then infused with cranberry sauce to replicate the jelly. Absolutely delicious!
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
This year, on Thursday, November 28, Thanksgiving falls on the same day as the first day of Hanukkah. So on that day, only in 2013, we will celebrate the fusion holiday of Thanksgivukkah. Max and Benny's, where we pride ourselves in both the Jewish and American culinary traditions, is soliciting recipe ideas for our cooks and bakers so we can prepare some special Thanksgivukkah treats for you.
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Libby Fischer Hellmann is Next Featured Author
Libby Fischer Hellmann is the next featured author in the Chicago Jewish Authors Literary Series at Max and Benny's on Monday evening, November 4 at 7:00 p.m. Rick Kogan wrote recently that Ms. Hellmann "certainly belongs in the top ranks of Chicago writers." She will be discussing and reading from her critically-acclaimed new novel, "Havana Lost," that evening.
The novel begins in the pre-revolutionary Havana of 1958, where we first meet Francesca Pacelli, the restless and beautiful eighteen year old daughter of a Mafioso casino owner. Soon Francesca is swept away in a passionate love affair with a young Cuban revolutionary, in which the consequences of that affair transform her life and the lives of others near and dear to her forever.
Please let Richard Reeder know that you are coming by emailing him at or calling him at 847-542-4624.
Sunday, August 18, 2013
Rosh Hashanah and Break the Yom Kippur Fast Carryout Dinners
Max and Benny's in Northbrook has Rosh Hashanah and Break the Yom Kippur Fast dinners to go! Order them today!Get the complete package or mix and match. Our delicious dinner packages come with a choice of baked chicken or lean brisket, or do half and half. Max and Benny's Jewish holiday carryout meals has been a North Shore family tradition for 27 years. Call us at 847-272-9490 or email to place your carryout order for the 2013 Jewish holidays.
Thursday, August 1, 2013
Arnie Bernstein will discuss and sign his new book "Swastika Nation" at Max and Benny's on Monday evening, September 16, 2013, at 7:00 pm, as part of the ongoing Chicago Jewish Authors Literary Series. Imagine a United States where swastikas hang proudly in meeting rooms across the country. Proud uniformed fascists parade in the streets of major American cities. "Swastika Nation" is the true story of the German-American Bund, who, in the late 1930s was led by Fritz Kuhn. It was a small but powerful pro-Hitler movement. Instead of winning American hearts and minds, Kuhn and his followers attracted powerful enemies including New York Mayor Fiorello LaGuardia, District Attorney(and future presidential candidate) Thomas Dewey, newspaper bulldog Walter Winchell, and Jewish mobsters Meyer Lansky, Abner "Longy" Zwillman and Mickey Cohen. This book event should be an amazing evening. Please come early to assure a seat. Let Richard Reeder at 847-542-4624 or know how many in your party plan on attending.
Thursday, July 18, 2013
Von Steuben and Roosevelt High School Night at Max and Benny's
We invite all Von Steuben and Roosevelt High School graduates to Max and Benny’s Restaurant on Monday evening, September 30, for an evening of fun and reconnection with friends. Our event starts at 5:00 pm and will last until the restaurant closes at 8:30 pm that evening. Max and Benny’s will prepare some menu items that will bring back tasty memories of the old neighborhood. Meet Myles (Mickey) Golde, author of "Albany Park," who will be there to sign his book which has fond reminiscences of the Terminal Movie Theater, Cooper and Cooper, Purity’s Delicatessen and Rudich’s Ice Cream Parlor. This promises to be a very special event and something to remember for a long time. Call Richard Reeder at 847-542-4624 or email him at if you plan on attending.
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Debbie Sue Goodman Next Author at Max and Benny's
One of the funniest ladies that we know, author and entertainer, Debbie Sue Goodman, will be the next featured author in the Max and Benny's Chicago Jewish Authors Series on Monday evening, July 29 at 7 pm. Debbie performs a one-woman comedy show based on her two humorous books, "Still Single" and "Still Dating." Both books include entertaining and heartwarming stories about Debbie's life. Her latest novel is entitled "My Husband the Stranger."
Debbie, besides being an author, is an accomplished comedian, actress, vocalist, lyricist and impressionist. She has appeared in many comedy clubs, theaters, libraries, bookstores, cable television and radio shows.
This event is free, and we always encourage you to come early and dine and reserve your seating before the presentation begins. If you are planning to attend, please contact Richard Reeder at or at 847-542-4624.
Saturday, June 1, 2013
Thanks to our good friend, Caryn Lazar Amster, for plugging Max and Benny's South Sider Night in her popular South Shore News Spot Newsletter. The event is coming up on June 12, and excitement is building. If you plan on attending with a party of six or more, it is wise to call the restaurant and make a reservation. The fun begins that evening at 5pm. So try to come, and see which old friends from grammar school and high school that you might run into.
Thursday, April 18, 2013
Allan Sherman Celebration at Max and Benny's
Fifty years
ago in the summer of 1963, Chicago-born Allan Sherman’s “Hello Muddah, Hello Fadduh” was the
worldwide hit that marked the peak of Sherman’s extraordinary fame. On Memorial
Day evening, May 27, at 7pm, Max and Benny’s has a very special treat for you as we celebrate the 50th
anniversary of that memorable song by having as our speaking guest Mark Cohen,
the author of Overweight Sensation: The
Life and Comedy of Allan Sherman.
Overweight Sensation is the first biography of the “My
Son” song parodist whose Jewish comedy proved what today we take for granted:
that ethnic Jewish humor is not “too Jewish” and can in fact succeed with a
broad American audience. Author Mark Cohen will discuss Sherman’s life, play
recordings on Sherman’s famous and great Jewish song parodies and also play
lost recordings of Sherman singing his parodies of Broadway musicals including
“Seventy-Six Sol Cohens,” “When You Walk Through the Bronx,” and “There is
Nothing Like a Lox.”
This will be
Mr. Cohen’s only appearance in the Chicago area. The event is free. If
you need any additional information please contact Richard Reeder at or 847-542-4624.
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Our next featured author in the Chicago Jewish Authors Literary Series is Skokie resident Jerry Jaffe, who will be appearing at Max and Benny's on Monday evening, April 15, at 7:00 pm. Jerry's eighty-four years on earth (so far!) have been fueled by insatiable curiosity and a commitment to pursuing his dreams. A journalist, artist, military veteran, scriptwriter, and world traveler who possesses three master's degrees and speaks five languages, Jerry returned to his first love, writing, after teaching college for 30 years. His first novel, One More Time, Jennie Darling, was published by i.Universe in September 2012 after having been earmarked for publication by Doubleday many years ago, only to be turned down at the very last minute. Jerry's personal story is truly one of patience, and of triumph over adversity. If you plan on attending, please email or call 847-542-4624.
Saturday, March 2, 2013
South Sider Night 2013 at Max and Benny's
Calling all South Shore, Bowen and Hyde Park alumni! We invite you to South Sider Night 2013 at Max and Benny's on Wednesday, June 12. The fun will begin at 5:00 pm. Come with old friends or on your own. Who knows who you might meet? We will even prepare some familiar South Side food delights for you. So just come to Max and Benny's that evening. No reservations needed, but if you have six or more in a group you might want to call the restaurant and make one to assure seating. Email Richard Reeder at if you have any non-reservation questions about the evening.
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
This Passover why labor over your hot kitchen stove when Max and Benny's has all the delicious and traditional food for your Passover seder ready for you to pick-up and take home? Our dinners to go for the Passover season have now been a Jewish Chicago area tradition for nearly twenty-seven years. Besides your Bubbie, who can make brisket and chicken for the seder meal better than Max and Benny's? Not to mention that we have the best gefilte fish, matzo ball soup and potato kugel in Chicagoland. And our Passover desserts are to die for! Max and Benny's has macaroons,honey cakes, and oh so much more for your Passover sweets.So make your life a whole lot easier by ordering your Passover dinner to go from Max and Benny's today! Call us at 847-272-9490 or checkout our website
Monday, February 18, 2013
Hamantaschen at Max and Benny's
Max and Benny's has the best hamantaschen in town. Purim is almost here, so come in and choose your favorite fruit-filled hamantaschen. I'm getting hungry just looking at his photo!
Marvin the Maven
Marvin the Maven
Saturday, February 2, 2013
Construction Coming on Lake Cook and Waukegan Roads
We at Max and Benny's just attended a meeting at the Deerfield Village Hall where we learned about the plans for a construction project on Lake Cook and Waukegan Roads.The project will eventually widen Lake Cook Road to three lanes between Deer Lake and Ellendale Roads. During construction, Lake Cook traffic will be limited to one lane in each direction with left turn lanes to allow access to all businesses. Waukegan Road will be widened near Lake Cook to accommodate the changes there. Additional work will be done between the Tri-State Tollway spur and the Deerfield Animal Hospital. There will be one lane in each direction during the work on Waukegan Road.
It is expected that the construction will begin in late April of this year and end, in about six months, at the end of October. Max and Benny's realizes that many of our wonderful and loyal customers will be inconvenienced during this construction, and we will provide information, both on our website and in flyers at the restaurant, about alternative routes to Max and Benny's. Obviously taking Dundee Road, rather than Lake Cook Road seems to be the most logical option for many.
We appreciate the cooperation of the Villages of Deerfield and Northbrook and the Cook County Department of Transportation and Highways in keeping both businesses and residents updated about the progress of the construction and informing people about how to avoid serious delays. Deerfield has developed a website ( to keep all concerned informed about the project.
Once again, Max and Benny's values the loyalty of our customers, and we thank you, in advance for your patience during this upcoming construction period.
It is expected that the construction will begin in late April of this year and end, in about six months, at the end of October. Max and Benny's realizes that many of our wonderful and loyal customers will be inconvenienced during this construction, and we will provide information, both on our website and in flyers at the restaurant, about alternative routes to Max and Benny's. Obviously taking Dundee Road, rather than Lake Cook Road seems to be the most logical option for many.
We appreciate the cooperation of the Villages of Deerfield and Northbrook and the Cook County Department of Transportation and Highways in keeping both businesses and residents updated about the progress of the construction and informing people about how to avoid serious delays. Deerfield has developed a website ( to keep all concerned informed about the project.
Once again, Max and Benny's values the loyalty of our customers, and we thank you, in advance for your patience during this upcoming construction period.
Friday, January 25, 2013
George Castle Talking Hot Stove League
Anything you want to know about Chicago baseball, past and present? You want an answer to your questions.. and gripes? George Castle will be in the house at Max and Benny's to help you out.
A lifetime Chicagoan who has covered baseball on both sides of town for a variety of media outlets since 1980, Castle will stoke the Hot Stove League in a special night on Monday, March 4, at 7:00 pm. He'll talk about a Cubs World Series--actually, three of them since 1929--amid 10 "what if" scenarios in his new E-book, "Alou Makes the Catch: An Alternate History of the Chicago Cubs," available at for $2.99. The 11-time baseball book author, now historian for the Chicago Baseball Museum, will put the Cubs and White Sox 2013 fortunes into perspective, both as they are developing and how history has shaped them.
Castle has had some of the best relationships with our town's top baseball newsmakers. He looks into angles about our teams that few other media members have the motivation to pursue. You'll get the scoop on the Cubs and Sox from a man who has hosted and produced "Diamond Gems," a syndicated weekly baseball radio show for 17 years, featuring interviews with the stars of today and nostalgic looks at the game never aired elsewhere.
So don't miss a look at baseball 2013 with a special rewind going back many decades from a true native expert on baseball. To rsvp for the event please, email Richard Reeder at or call Richard at 847-542-4624.
A lifetime Chicagoan who has covered baseball on both sides of town for a variety of media outlets since 1980, Castle will stoke the Hot Stove League in a special night on Monday, March 4, at 7:00 pm. He'll talk about a Cubs World Series--actually, three of them since 1929--amid 10 "what if" scenarios in his new E-book, "Alou Makes the Catch: An Alternate History of the Chicago Cubs," available at for $2.99. The 11-time baseball book author, now historian for the Chicago Baseball Museum, will put the Cubs and White Sox 2013 fortunes into perspective, both as they are developing and how history has shaped them.
Castle has had some of the best relationships with our town's top baseball newsmakers. He looks into angles about our teams that few other media members have the motivation to pursue. You'll get the scoop on the Cubs and Sox from a man who has hosted and produced "Diamond Gems," a syndicated weekly baseball radio show for 17 years, featuring interviews with the stars of today and nostalgic looks at the game never aired elsewhere.
So don't miss a look at baseball 2013 with a special rewind going back many decades from a true native expert on baseball. To rsvp for the event please, email Richard Reeder at or call Richard at 847-542-4624.
Friday, December 21, 2012
Author Neil Steinberg at Max and Benny's
Neil Steinberg is the next featured author in the Chicago Jewish Authors Literary Series on Monday evening, February 11th. Mr. Steinberg is a daily columnist at the Chicago Sun-Times, where he has been on staff since 1987. He has also written for a wide variety of publications, including Rolling Stone, the Washington Post and the New York Daily News. "You Were Never in Chicago" is his seventh book--the New York Times called it "rollicking," the Toronto Star called it a "triumph." The event is free and begins at 7pm. Please email Richard Reeder at if you plan to attend.
Monday, December 17, 2012
Christmas Day at Max and Benny's
The holiday cheer continues at Max and Benny's even as the lights of Hanukkah go out. Christmas Day has become a major happening each year at Max and Benny's. Max and Benny's opens Christmas day at 8:00 am and is open until 8:00 pm in the evening. So whether you want to dine-in or carry-out, stop by at Max and Benny's, a very special place Christmas Day (as well as the other 364 days of the year, I may add).
Marvin the Maven
Marvin the Maven
Friday, December 7, 2012
Happy Hanukkah!
Join us at Max and Benny's this joyous Hanukkah time. Lynn and Ben are shown showcasing some of Max and Benny's miraculous Hanukkah delights.
Monday, November 26, 2012
Max and Benny's--A Hamish Restaurant and Deli
Leo Rosten, in his great book, "The Joys of Yiddish," defines hamish as "informal, cozy, warm...having the friendly characteristics that exist inside a happy home." We like to think that Max and Benny's, all year round, and especially during the holidays is that kind of hamish place for our customers. This is why this Hanukkah, as in Hanukkahs of the past, people from Chicago, the northern Chicago suburbs, and even Wisconsin come to Max and Benny's for our latkes and other "Jewish soul food" that puts them in that hamish frame of mind.
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Latkes and Sufganiyot and Much More
Hanukkah so soon after Thanksgiving? Yes, it's true! Hanukkah begins the evening of December 8th. Let Max and Benny's be your one-stop Hanukkah stop. Dine in or carry out your favorite Hanukkah meals. Our delicious and world-famous latkes are awaiting you. And the sufganiyot from our bakery will knock your socks off! Surprise your family and friends with a Max and Benny's gift card or a tin of our very special Hanukkah cookies. Also Max and Benny's has loads of chocolate Hanukkah gelt candy for the kinder and plenty of dreidels for all who are young and young at heart. Chag semeach!
Marvin the Maven
Marvin the Maven
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Thanksgiving Carry Out at Max and Benny's
As you prepare for your Thanksgiving dinner, consider Max and Benny's for all your carry out needs. Full fresh roasted turkey (whole or sliced) dinner packages are available, as well as a vast array of Thanksgiving a la carte items. The last day that we can process Thanksgiving orders is Monday, November 19th, 2012, although our deli is open from 8:00am-2:00pm for Thanksgiving day shopping.
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Max and Benny's-Catering for the Holidays
More and more area businesses are choosing Max and Benny's for catering their holiday parties. Our catering director, Jim Jagel, can help you customize the perfect food selections for your on-site holiday party. Another option is to have your party at Max and Benny's. Our Back Room accommodates up to 80 people, and has a full-service bar which is sure to make any holiday party merrier. Call Jim at 847-272-9490 to place your holiday catering order or to book the Back Room for your party.
Friday, October 12, 2012
Spooky Sweets at Max and Benny's
Halloween is almost upon us, and what better place to stock up on Halloween cookies than Max and Benny's. Our bakery chefs have concocted an impressive array of cookie monsters for our customers. The Frankenstein monster face cookie is my ghoulish favorite. So don't be afraid to stop by our cookie counter during your next visit to Max and Benny's.
Marvin the Maven
Saturday, September 29, 2012
Richard Reeder Discusses "Chicago Sketches"
Richard Reeder, Max and Benny's own writer-in-residence, will be discussing his new book, Chicago Sketches, at the next presentation in the Chicago Jewish Authors Literary Series. This free event takes place in the Back Room of the restaurant on Monday evening, November 12, at 7:00 pm. Come early and eat. As always, complimentary cookies and coffee will be available. In Chicago Sketches, we visit, through memoir vignettes, places such as Riverview, Wrigley Field and the old Clark Theater. We also visit memorable people in the author's life that include Bubbie Gussie, Uncle Leo and Rabbi Mendel. Leonid Osseny's vivid illustrations make these Chicago sketches come even more alive. We would appreciate if you would let Richard Reeder know ahead of time if you plan to attend by emailing him at or phone him at 847-542-4624.
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Rosh Hashanah Dinners To Go
Max and Benny's has Rosh Hashanah dinners to go! Get the complete package or put together the meal yourself! Our delicious dinner packages come with a choice of baked chicken or lean brisket, or do half and half if you desire. The dinner package also includes matzo ball soup, chicken pieces with carrots and celery, choice of honey glazed carrots or fresh green beans. Each package also comes with one plain and one raisin challah. Please feel free to call Max and Benny's at 847-272-9490 or email
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Saturday, June 30, 2012
Presidential Candidate Cookies at Max and Benny's
Max and Benny's bakery now has Presidential Candidate cookies! Perhaps you are sweet on President Obama? Maybe your taste buds lean for Governor Romney? Be the first in your neighborhood to buy some.
Monday, June 25, 2012
Monday, June 4, 2012
Chicago Jewish Authors Literary Series
The next author at Max and Benny's popular Chicago Jewish Authors Literary Series will be Barbara Froman. The free event takes place in the Back Room of the restaurant on Monday evening, August 6, at 7:00 pm. Come early and eat. As always, complimentary cookies and coffee will be available. Ms Froman has written a delightful novel entitled Shadows and Ghosts. Her protagonist, Ida Mae Glick, is a critically acclaimed filmmaker whose trials and tribulations remind you of a character that you mind find in a Woody Allen movie or a Phillip Roth novel. The book even has a Jewish mother ghost who haunts her beloved daughter. Shadows and Ghosts was the Prose winner of the First Book Contest sponsored by the MFA in Creative Writing Program at Fairleigh Dickinson University and Serving House Books. We would appreciate if you would let Richard Reeder know ahead of time if you plan to attend by emailing him at or phone him at 847-542-4624.
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
MS Awareness Day
On Monday, July 23rd, Max and Benny's will be teaming up with the Greater Illinois Chapter of the National Multiple Sclerosis Society in spreading MS awareness by donating 10% from all dine-in and carry-out orders. Join us and help end MS with the ultimate deli-restaurant on Chicagoland's North Shore. For further information contact Richard Reeder at or call Richard at 847-542-4624.
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Chefs' Night & More
What a pleasure it was for Max and Benny's to be part of "Chefs' Night & More" once again this year. This is one of our favorite benefits of the year. We are so appreciative of all the good things happening at the Center for Enriched Living. Our mini reuben sandwiches seemed to be especially popular at the event. We also served a delicious turkey and brie mini sandwich and very tasty chocolate and cherry cheescake parfaits. Jim Jagel, Max and Benny's catering manager, noted that he was so pleased to see many of our regular customers at the event supporting the Center.
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Trays for Graduation Parties
It's almost graduation time, and friends and family will soon be gathering to celebrate the graduate's achievement. What can be more delicious at your graduation party than a catered tray from Max and Benny's? Jim Jagel, our catering manager, recommends one of our more popular trays, which we call "The Meat of the Matter." This tray includes sliced lean corned beef, roast turkey, rare roast beef, soft salami, as well as assorted cheeses, sliced rye bread and assorted rolls. It includes a choice of chopped liver or egg salad. Also there are two side salad choices, not to mention pickles, deli mustard and mayonnaise. Call Jim at 847-272-9490 and he will be glad to discuss this tray or other catering options with you.
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Max and Benny's Catering to You
More and more North Shore businesses and families are finding out about the wonderful catering options that are available from Max and Benny's. We are working now with many families in planning for parties for their soon-to-be graduates. Also Max and Benny's has a great array of delicious treats from our deli and bakery that will enhance your barbeque parties this Spring and Summer. So if you live in Highland Park or Northbrook, or points in between or beyond, Max and Benny's is ready to cater to your needs. Give our catering manager, Jim Jagel, a call at (847) 272-9490. He will be glad to hear from you.
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
WFMT Cookies
The WFMT volunteers loved these cookies that Max and Benny's baked for them today for their efforts in the fund drive!
Mozart and Bagels
Max and Benny's is donating the lunch for the volunteers at the WFMT pledge drive today. Rumor has it that Mozart loved bagels. Imagine that!
Friday, April 13, 2012
Bubbie Gussie
I slid in
the sawdust that sprinkled the floor of the St. Louis Fish Market on Lawrence
Avenue in Albany Park. I waited patiently for my grandmother, Gussie Schlan,
who we in our family affectionately called “Bubbie.” She stood staring at the
rows of stacked fish that lay over beds of ice, lifeless, yet eyes bulging in
their heads. Soon Bubbie would select
the whitefish, carp and pike that met her scrupulous standards for the ingredients
of the fabled gefilte fish that she prepared each Passover for our Seder
Obtaining my
driver’s license that winter of 1961, I frequently chauffeured Bubbie around so
she could do her errands. It was convenient as my parents and I lived across
the street from her on Lunt Avenue in the West Rogers Park neighborhood. After
Zadie David had passed away several years before, my sister Anne stayed with Bubbie
for a few months. Bubbie then remained alone in the apartment on California
Avenue which was above Bernie Joseph’s grocery store and Joe Stone’s barber
shop. She did have occasional lady roommates over the years, but none of them
lasted for very long.
Although the
roommates that she had were all very nice ladies, the truth must be told that
Bubbie had her own idiosyncrasies which made it difficult for an outsider to
live with her. Her family could do no wrong, but Bubbie had the propensity find
flaws in others. I remember her describing one roommate and her family in
descriptive Yinglish as “a bunch of meshuggeners.” After listening to another
roommate tell what I thought to be a poignant story, Bubbie whispered to me” I
can’t stand her mishegoss.” These Yiddish words were referring to elements of
craziness in both people and things.
Bubbie never
learned to read, write and speak English properly. She arrived in the States as
a young woman from her home in Lithuania in 1910, several years after Zadie had
come here to find work first. It was Zadie, and eventually their children, my
mother Ilene, my uncles, Julie and Jerry, who had to navigate English-speaking
Chicago for her in making decisions, both major and minor. Later in her life
Bubbie confessed to her granddaughter, my cousin Harriet, that her only regret
in life was that she couldn’t learn English better, and perhaps she should have
enrolled in an English class or two and maybe advance her education in other
ways as well.
She was your consummate Jewish grandmother who
lavished her grandchildren with love and affection. We kids looked forward to
what we called a “Bubbie Gussie kiss,” a warm and wet smack on our cheeks that
seemed to last a minute or so. She had a smile that seemed to make the room
glow and a laugh that caught our attention and made us laugh as well.
distinguishing feature of Bubbie was the flair she had when she went out to
what she called “a fancy occasion.” Putting on her lipstick, rouge and mascara,
in the prelude to going out, was a major project. When Uncle Julie won a mink
stole in a raffle, he gave it to Bubbie as a gift. She seemed to wear it quite
often, expanding the definition of “a fancy occasion to a walk in the park.
Bubbie took
great pride in being an American. She didn’t have a written record of her
birth, so the family celebrated her birthday on the 4th of July. She
always voted in elections, usually with the generous assistance of our
Democratic precinct captain. She had a fit when I grew my first beard, saying
that it reminded her of the men who lived in the shtetl in a past world. I had
to shave it off immediately.
I remember
that taking Bubbie shopping was quite an experience. She seemed to have brought
the shtetl market place mentality to the New World. Every marked price on an
item seemed too high for her and she generally let the merchant know about it.
When given a chance, she loved bargaining over an item.
Bubbie loved
playing cards. Although she enjoyed playing kalooki, poker was her game of
choice. She played mostly with her Yiddish speaking lady friends, although
every now and then a man was let in the game. The stakes were penny ante with
nickel raises, but the games were nevertheless highly intense. Bubbie always
appeared completely focused on the game and could not be distracted until its
When Uncle
Julie and Uncle Jerry opened their business on the Southeast Side of Chicago,
they settled their families in that area. Since ours was a tightly-knit family,
and although they lived on the other side of the city, Bubbie expected, and
received, a telephone call from both of them each day of the week. They always
told her what they ate that day. Sunday was reserved as a day when the family
would get together with her. She even took a holiday from card playing that
In addition
to Anne and me, who were the children of Ilene and her husband, our father,
Jack, Bubbie’s other grandchildren were Harriet and Lester, the children of
Uncle Julie and Aunt Ethel, and Jill and Lee, the children of Uncle Jerry and
Aunt Ro. Bubbie had an unique and loving relationship with each of us. When she
passed away in 1975, we six cousins were sitting together around the table at
the shiva exchanging Bubbie stories. We soon discovered that it seemed as if
each of us felt favorite grandchild status from Bubbie. She had that gift to
make us all feel loved in her very special way.
Cousin Richie
Monday, April 9, 2012
Fried Matzah
This Passover week our diners are having fried matzah, or matzah brei, for breakfast, lunch and dinner. It's so good! I like to eat it with sugar sprinkled on top, but others prefer jelly or syrup. How do you like it?
Marvin the Maven
Marvin the Maven
Friday, March 30, 2012
Max and Benny's Four Questions for Passover
Who has the best gefilte fish around for your seder meal? Where can you get such lucious Passover desserts such as honey cakes and key lime macaroon pie? After your bubbie, who makes the best brisket and chicken dinners for Passover? Whose matzo ball soup is the best around?
The Answer for all Four Questions: Max and Benny's
The Answer for all Four Questions: Max and Benny's
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Your One-Stop Passover Food Location
So you are getting ready for your seder dinner and you still need a few items. What to do? Come to Max and Benny's, your one-stop Passover food location. Not only do we get folks from all over the North Shore who come to us for their Passover food needs, but people also come from the city of Chicago and cities in southern Wisconsin as well. So as to paraphrase Julius Caesar (of salad dressing fame) "all roads lead to Max and Benny's during Passover."
Marvin the Maven
Marvin the Maven
Monday, March 19, 2012
Pick-Up Your Passover Dinner At Max and Benny's!
Why labor over your hot kitchen stove this coming Passover when Max and Benny's has all the delicious and traditional food for your Passover seder ready for you to pick-up and take home? Our dinners to go for the Passover season have now been a Chicago area tradition for twenty-six years. Besides your Bubbie, who can make brisket and chicken for the seder dinner better than Max and Benny's? Not to mention the best gefilte fish, matzo ball soup and potato kugel in the area. And Passover desserts to die for! Max and Benny's has macaroons, honey cakes and oh so much more! So make your life a whole lot easier by ordering your Passover dinner to go from Max and Benny's today.
Friday, March 9, 2012
Max and Benny's Goes Irish
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Max Zaslofsky
I was playing Chicago Jewish sports trivia today with a guy at Max and Benny's and Max Zaslofsky's name came up. Zaslofsky, without a doubt, was the best Jewish professional basketball player that ever shot hoops on a Chicago team. He played for the Chicago Stags from 1946-1950. During the first three years of his career, the Stags played in the Basketball Association of America (BAA), a rival league founded to compete with the already established National Basketball League (NBL) in 1946. The two leagues merged at the end of the 1948-49 season and became the National Basketball Association (NBA). The Chicago Stags played one year as a NBA team, folding the franchise after the 1949-50 season, and letting its players be picked up in a dispersal draft.
A guard, Zaslofsky had a great two-handed set shot. He played one collegiate year at St. John's in his hometown of New York, and then signed on with the new Stags franchise, which included Arthur Wirtz in its ownership group. The team played at Wirtz's Chicago Stadium.
Zaslofsky had four outstanding seasons with the Stags. He led them in the BAA Finals in his rookie year, but the team lost the title to the Philadelphia Warriors. Zaslofsky's 877 points that year was the fourth highest total in the league. One of his fellow backcourt players for the Stags was another Jewish player, Chicagoan Mickey Rottner, who played high school hoops at Tuley and collegiate basketball at Loyola.
Zaslofsky was a prolific scorer, by the professional standards of the time, scoring over 1,000 points per season for the Stags three consecutive years. He was picked up by the New York Knicks in the dispersal draft and had three more productive years for the Knicks. He played sporadically for three other NBA teams before concluding his professional career in 1956.
During the NBA's Silver Anniversary in 1971, Zaslofsky was chosen as one of the league's top twenty-five players in its first twenty-five years (the other Jewish player in this group being Dolph Schayes). Zaslofsky's 7900 career points scored was the third highest in the history of the league when he retired in 1956.
Cousin Richie
A guard, Zaslofsky had a great two-handed set shot. He played one collegiate year at St. John's in his hometown of New York, and then signed on with the new Stags franchise, which included Arthur Wirtz in its ownership group. The team played at Wirtz's Chicago Stadium.
Zaslofsky had four outstanding seasons with the Stags. He led them in the BAA Finals in his rookie year, but the team lost the title to the Philadelphia Warriors. Zaslofsky's 877 points that year was the fourth highest total in the league. One of his fellow backcourt players for the Stags was another Jewish player, Chicagoan Mickey Rottner, who played high school hoops at Tuley and collegiate basketball at Loyola.
Zaslofsky was a prolific scorer, by the professional standards of the time, scoring over 1,000 points per season for the Stags three consecutive years. He was picked up by the New York Knicks in the dispersal draft and had three more productive years for the Knicks. He played sporadically for three other NBA teams before concluding his professional career in 1956.
During the NBA's Silver Anniversary in 1971, Zaslofsky was chosen as one of the league's top twenty-five players in its first twenty-five years (the other Jewish player in this group being Dolph Schayes). Zaslofsky's 7900 career points scored was the third highest in the history of the league when he retired in 1956.
Cousin Richie
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Purim is approaching and Max and Benny's has the best hamantaschen in town. So many kinds to choose from! Poppyseed, prune, apricot, raspberry, cheese, cherry and key lime. Come in and enjoy! Tell us your favorites.
Marvin the Maven
Marvin the Maven
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Cyndee Schaffer at Max and Benny's
Cyndee Schaffer is the next featured author at the Max and Benny's Chicago Jewish Authors Literary Series on Monday evening, April 23, at 7:00 p.m. in the Back Room of the restaurant. Ms. Schaffer will be discussing her book "Mollie's War." Please join us. The event is free. Please consider having dinner at Max and Benny's before the event begins. For more information please contact Richard Reeder at or 847-542-4624.
Monday, February 13, 2012
Smoked Chubs at Max and Benny's
Smoked chubs, a staple food of a traditional Jewish breakfast or brunch, are now available at the deli counter at Max and Benny's. This particular golden smoked fish, with its sweet tasting meat, has been hard to find in the Chicago area lately. So please come to Max and Benny's before our supply runs out.
Marvin the Maven
Marvin the Maven
Friday, December 30, 2011
Bruce Levine to Host Hot Stove League Forum
Our good friend Bruce Levine, Mr. Baseball himself, was in the restaurant today and confirmed that he will be hosting his annual Hot Stove League forum at Max and Benny's on Thursday evening, February 9 at 7:00 PM. Will Theo Epstein work miracles with the Cubs? Can Adam Dunn and Alex Rios rebound for the White Sox in 2012? Bruce will give his great insights to these and other questions on February 9. The event is free. Come early and have dinner at the restaurant. Contact Richard Reeder at 847-542-4624 or if you have any questions.
Monday, December 26, 2011
Chicago Jewish Authors Literary Series Continues
Goldie Goldbloom, the author of the award-winning novel The Paperbark Shoe, will be the featured author at the next Chicago Jewish Authors Literary Series in the Backroom at Max and Benny's Restaurant in Northbrook on Monday evening, January 30, 2012, at 7:00 PM. The event is free and open to the public. Come early and have your dinner at the Restaurant.
Friday, December 23, 2011
Christmas Day at Max and Benny's
This year Max and Benny's has expanded hours on Christmas Day. Both the restaurant and deli are open from 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM. Max and Benny's is really a fun place to be on Christmas Day. We hope to see you.
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Chanukah begins next week, Tuesday night December 20. Let Max and Benny's be your one-stop Chanukah stop. Dine in or carryout your favorite Chanukah meals. Our delicious latkes are waiting for you. What better treat to your loved ones than a Max and Benny's gift card or a tin of Chanukah cookies? And while you are at Max and Benny's, don't forget the chocolate Chanukah gelt and dreidels for all who are young and young at heart.
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
The Hungry Hound
Steve Dolinsky, Mr. Hungry Hound himself, has recently visited Max and Benny's and we will be featured in a segment that will be aired Friday evening, December 16 during the 10 O'Clock ABC News (Channel 7). Bear's rookie lineman, Gabe Carimi, will be taste testing our latkes. Tune in and pass the word on.
Monday, December 5, 2011
Power Breakfast at Max and Benny's
Max and Benny's is one of the foremost venues for having a power breakfast in Chicago's north suburbs. Our staff is courteous yet discreet, creating a perfect ambience for the discussion of business matters. And our breakfast food, with favorites such as lox and bagels, salami omelettes and French toast, make your power breakfast experience that more enjoyable.
Chopped Liver Mold
A Max and Benny's chopped liver mold is an ideal side dish for your holiday party. It comes with cocktail rye, bagel chips and onion flats. We guarantee that you will love it.
Marvin the Maven
Marvin the Maven
Saturday, December 3, 2011
It's now December, the Winter Holidays, or Chanukamas time at Max and Benny's. We have wonderful holiday dinners and trays, and a fabulous selection of a la carte items for carry out during this joyous and busy time of the year. And our holiday desserts are as scrumptious as ever. Check out our Winter Holiday menu on the website or pick one up at the restaurant.
Marvin the Maven
Marvin the Maven
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
International Interest
I was looking at the country of origin section on our blog analytics the other day. I noticed that last year we had 50 pageviews from China and 40 from Romania. Why I wondered. Perhaps there is interest from China about our Reuben egg rolls and maybe Romanians heard that Max and Benny's makes a great Romanian skirt steak? In any case, we love to know that there is international interest in Max and Benny's.
Marvin the Maven
Marvin the Maven
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Uncle Jerry Honored
Our uncle, Jerry Schlan, was recently honored by the Great Vest Side Club. Uncle Jerry, along with other surviving members of the great Marshall High School Junior basketball teams from 1939-1944, received plaques of recognition for their incredible 98 consecutive game winning streak, which remains a Chicago Public School and state of Illinois record. Congratulations Uncle Jerry, and thanks to the Great Vest Side Club.
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Small Business Saturday
Next Saturday, November 26th, is Small Business Saturday. For the last twenty-five plus years, we at Max and Benny's have had the pleasure of serving you. We are a family-owned business, competing against the large corporate restaurant chains. We appreciate your support over the years. So have a great Thanksgiving holiday and remember to stop by on Small Business Saturday.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Mozart and Blintzes
Max and Benny's donated the lunch today for the volunteers at the WFMT pledge drive. There were so many lovers of classical music in the room. One learned gentleman mentioned to me that Mozart loved blintzes. Imagine that!
Marvin the Maven
Marvin the Maven
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Pumpkinmania at Max and Benny's!
Calling all lovers of pumpkin baked goods! Max and Benny's marvelous bakery has all kinds of pumpkin goodies for you this Fall season. We have scrumptious pumpkin bread, which I especially like to have with a schmear of cream cheese to accompany my coffee at breakfast these cool November mornings. Our pumpkin slices are perfect as a side to dinner or lunch, or anytime you get the urge to nosh. And who can think of a better dessert this Fall season than Max and Benny's luscious and savory pumpkin cream pie? I must admit that I cannot think of another bakery in the area that makes a better pumpkin rugelach (no nuts) than the fine bakers here at Max and Benny's.
Marvin the Maven
Marvin the Maven
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Wish for a Knish
When you wish for a knish, you don't have to go farther than Max and Benny's. These doughy Jewish favorites can be found at our deli counter. Traditional knish lovers may choose the meat knish with poppyseeds or perhaps the potato knish. Others may find the spinach and feta knish to be their choice. Anyway, when it comes to great Jewish dishes, you can't go wrong with any of our three types of knishes.
Marvin the Maven (and sometimes poet)
Marvin the Maven (and sometimes poet)
What luscious dessert do you like to have with your coffee? Rugelach? Mandel Bread? Consider strudel. Yes strudel, and nobody makes it better than the bakers at Max and Benny's. We have three scrumptious kinds of strudel in our bakery. Believe me, all are fantastic with or without coffee. So try Max and Benny's cheese strudel, apple strudel and cherry cheese strudel. You will not be disappointed!
Marvin the Maven
Marvin the Maven
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Jim Jagel, Our New Catering Manager
Jim Jagel grew up in the food business. As a young man, he worked in his family's grocery and deli, taking over the business at a young age, and transforming it into a premier catering operation in his hometown of Toledo, Ohio. Jim moved to Chicago for larger city life and new career challenges. In 1999, he entered the Downtown Chicago catering arena, working at the Radisson and Doubletree Magnificent Mile. After moving to the North Shore, Jim joined Max and Benny's and today is growing and enhancing our catering operation. We welcome Jim to the Max and Benny's team.
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Caramel and Chocolate Dipped Mandel Bread
If you are starting to get into the spirit of Halloween, consider picking up some of Max and Benny's caramel and chocolate dipped mandel bread. Your friends and family will love it. It's a unique and tasty Halloween treat!
Marvin the Maven
Marvin the Maven
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Elie Berkman
In case you haven't noticed, we have some wonderful photographic landscape prints on display in the Back Room at Max and Benny's. They are the work of Elie Berkman, an Israeli-born Glencoe resident, who specializes in black and white photography from around the world, especially the U.S., China and Israel. We hope you enjoy these beautiful photos.
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Brisk and Brisket
Our business is brisk (as well as brisket) this time of year. We are so grateful for all our wonderful customers. Check out our high holiday menus at or call us at 847-272-9490 and be sure to place your high holiday carryout order today or make a reservation to join us at the restaurant the first two evenings of Rosh Hashanah.
Marvin the Maven
Marvin the Maven
Monday, August 29, 2011
Once again this year, Max and Benny's has the great privilege to cater for the Loyola Academy football team. Gameday, Max and Benny's will provide wholesome breakfasts to the Ramblers. This weekend the 10th ranked Ramblers host the tough 11th ranked Montini eleven. Eat well, eat healthy Ramblers, and just remember your friends at Max and Benny's are cheering you on!
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
The Jewish High Holidays are nearing. Erev Rosh Hashanah is about five weeks away on the evening of September 28. Consider Max and Benny's for all your High Holiday needs. Our High Holiday menu will be ready in print and online very soon. We will send the menu to all on our email list. Please let us know if you want to be added to that list.
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Mandel Bread
The Italians have been dipping biscottis into their coffee for hundreds of years, and we Jews have been dipping mandel bread into our coffee for centuries as well. Rumor has it that a Jewish baker named Mandel from Genoa influenced his Italian colleagues in creating the biscotti. Fact or fiction, anybody out there in cyberspace know? What I know is the Max and Benny's has the most delicious mandel bread in the world, and that is a fact. We have delicious varieties of mandel bread, including cinnamon, chocolate chip, chocolate dipped chocolate chip, double chocolate chip, sugar free raisin and sugar free nut.
Marvin the Maven
Marvin the Maven
Monday, August 15, 2011
Sid Luckman
There is a discussion among sports fans as to who was the best Jewish baseball player. Was it the slugger Hank Greenberg or the outstanding lefty pitcher Sandy Koufax? There is no divided opinion though about who was the best Jewish football player. Only one name comes up in the discussion, and that is Sid Luckman.
Luckman played collegiate ball at Columbia University in New York City where he was an All-American. However it was with the Chicago Bears that Luckman made his name among the football greats. Playing for the Bears from 1939-1950, with a stint along the way in the Merchant Marine, Luckman led the Bears to four NFL titles. He was the first "T" formation quarterback in the pros, revolutionizing the offensive side of the game. Luckman, who is in the NFL Hall of Fame, threw for a total of 14,686 yards with 137 passing touchdowns.
Cousin Richie
Luckman played collegiate ball at Columbia University in New York City where he was an All-American. However it was with the Chicago Bears that Luckman made his name among the football greats. Playing for the Bears from 1939-1950, with a stint along the way in the Merchant Marine, Luckman led the Bears to four NFL titles. He was the first "T" formation quarterback in the pros, revolutionizing the offensive side of the game. Luckman, who is in the NFL Hall of Fame, threw for a total of 14,686 yards with 137 passing touchdowns.
Cousin Richie
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Marvin the Maven's European Observations
I have been traveling around Europe to see if any of those fancy-schmanzy European bakeries can make a decent bagel, and I have learned that they fail miserably in comparison to the masters of bagelry here at Max and Benny's in Northbrook. Our bagels, in my humble opinion, are the best in the world (or at least in Europe). And speaking of those silly Europeans, I tried to order a Danish one morning at the Copenhagen airport, and nobody there knew what I was talking about.
Marvin the Maven
Marvin the Maven
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Max and Benny's reuben egg rolls were a big hit at the Max and Benny's JDRF fundraiser this week. Our owner, Lester Schlan, personally went around the restaurant pushing a cart offering complimentary reuben egg rolls to patrons. Several customers thought that these delicious reuben egg rolls would make a wonderful appetizer for upcoming home family gatherings, sports watching events, etc. Lester says just call in a couple days before your event and we can make as many of these tasty appetizers as you like.
Marvin the Maven
Marvin the Maven
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Hershey "Howie" Carl
A couple of days ago a guy came into Max and Benny's and we started talking about Chicago Jewish basketball greats and the name Hershey "Howie" Carl inevitably came up. Howie, who past away a few years ago, played high school hoops at Von Steuben and college ball at DePaul. I remember schlepping down to Alumni Hall on Belden and Sheffield from our place in West Rogers Park to watch Howie play on Coach Ray Meyer's Blue Demons team. As a fellow Jewish kid from the North Side, I thought that it was pretty amazing that Howie was playing at Catholic DePaul. Howie was an incredible shooter and he played well with his backcourt mate, the late Bill Haig. I know that Howie had a brief NBA career with the Packers, but my best memories of him are those beautiful long shots going swish through the hoop on those cold winter nights in that gym by the El tracks.
Cousin Richie
Cousin Richie
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
If you've been in Max and Benny's you know by the pictures on the walls how much we love baseball. We especially love our two great Jewish Hall of Fame players Hank Greenberg and Sandy Koufax. But there is another past Jewish baseball star who has been ignored by the HOF Veterans Committee. He is Buddy Myer, a second baseman who played for 17 years from 1925-1941, 16 of those years with the Washington Senators.
It's a shanda that Buddy Myer is not in the Baseball Hall of Fame. He was a contemporary of HOF second baseman Billy Herman, who he had comparable lifetime statistics, and Myer had considerably better stats than Bill Mazerowski, another HOF second sacker. Myer played in 1923 games to Herman's 1922. Myer batted .303 compared to Herman's .304. Myer scored 1174 runs and Herman had 1163. Myer had 850 RBIs to Herman's 839.
Herman had about 200 more career hits than Myer, but Myer had about 200 walks, making their On Base Percentage very similar. Herman did outpace Myer in doubles, 486-353, but Myer hit 130 triples to Herman's 67. Both players had minimal home run power, only 47 for Herman and 38 for Myer. Myer played on two losing World Series teams, and Herman played in five World Series losers (four times with the Cubs).
Mazerowski was a lifetime .260 hitter who played more than 250 games more than Myer, yet Myer had more than 115 more career hits. Mazerowski did have 138 homers in his career, but he had paltry base speed and only stole 27 bases compared to 156 for Myer.
We Jewish baseball fans don't have much representation among players in Cooperstown. This is why I am kvelling about Myer's stats and kvetching why the HOF Veterans Committee continues to ignore him for induction.
Cousin Richie
It's a shanda that Buddy Myer is not in the Baseball Hall of Fame. He was a contemporary of HOF second baseman Billy Herman, who he had comparable lifetime statistics, and Myer had considerably better stats than Bill Mazerowski, another HOF second sacker. Myer played in 1923 games to Herman's 1922. Myer batted .303 compared to Herman's .304. Myer scored 1174 runs and Herman had 1163. Myer had 850 RBIs to Herman's 839.
Herman had about 200 more career hits than Myer, but Myer had about 200 walks, making their On Base Percentage very similar. Herman did outpace Myer in doubles, 486-353, but Myer hit 130 triples to Herman's 67. Both players had minimal home run power, only 47 for Herman and 38 for Myer. Myer played on two losing World Series teams, and Herman played in five World Series losers (four times with the Cubs).
Mazerowski was a lifetime .260 hitter who played more than 250 games more than Myer, yet Myer had more than 115 more career hits. Mazerowski did have 138 homers in his career, but he had paltry base speed and only stole 27 bases compared to 156 for Myer.
We Jewish baseball fans don't have much representation among players in Cooperstown. This is why I am kvelling about Myer's stats and kvetching why the HOF Veterans Committee continues to ignore him for induction.
Cousin Richie
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Please check out the gluten-free items on our menu. We have gluten-free individual pizzas, chicken tenders, pancakes and chicken soup. Max and Benny's also has gluten-free bakery items including cookies, brownies, cupcakes, bagels, English muffins and sliced bread.
A guy from Sheboyan came in the other day and said "Max and Benny's has the best hoppel poppel I ever tasted and I tasted a lot of it coming from Wisconsin." Thank you sir and we appreciate the compliment. Our patrons seem to love this particular dish, which consists of scrambled eggs with chunks of salami, potatoes, green peppers and onions. Many folks ask the origin of the name of the dish. It actually is a nonsense phrase from an old German nursery rhyme.
Marvin the Maven
Marvin the Maven
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Max and Benny's has new restaurant and carryout menus. Check the menus out in the restaurant and online. Hope you like them. We always appreciate your feedback.
Marvin the Maven
Marvin the Maven
Saturday, June 25, 2011
I was recently reminiscing about when my uncles Julie and Jerry Schlan bought White Sox season tickets for the 1960 season after the Sox won the pennant in 1959. I remember the White Sox sending out Dizzy Trout (Steve's dad, who worked in White Sox community relations), outfielder Al Smith (of spilled beer fame) and outfielder Jim Landis (the best center fielder that has worn white and black in my lifetime) to my uncles' business, Veterans Supply in South Chicago. Smith and Landis spent over an hour schmoozing with my uncles and their employees. I was working part-time for my uncles then, a star-struck 14 year-old kid seeing and talking to a couple of my beloved White Sox heros.What a thrill! And boy has the game of baseball changed! Can you imagine today's major league players peddling tickets for the team in the off season?
Cousin Richie
Cousin Richie
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Things will be hopping during Father's Day at Max and Benny's. I especially love to see the tables filling with intergenerational fathers. Neat stuff. We have special Father's Day cookies for sale and plenty of other scrumptious bakery and deli items that you might want Dad to take home. And finally, dear children, liebe kinder, be kind to your Dad and remember him not just on Father's Day, but every day. Don't be like Mel Brooks' 2000 Year Old Man who sired hundreds of children but not one of them ever calls. All the best.
Marvin the Maven
Marvin the Maven
Friday, June 10, 2011
The rain held off today, so Max and Benny's very own Danny and Rachel hung out at our sponsored hole passing out special cookies and catering coupons to the hearty golfers who participated in the annual Northbrook Chamber of Commerce golf outing. Danny and Rachel loved the interaction with the golfers who were so pleased to have that Max and Benny's presence on the links.
Marvin the Maven
Marvin the Maven
A South Shore/South Sider reunion night will be held at Max and Benny's on Monday, July 25th from 5:30 PM until 8:30 PM. All area high school alumni from all years are welcome. It's a great way to catch up with old friends and get reaquainted with those that you haven't seen in years. It really will be a great evening of fun and enjoyment. Complimentary commemorative plates for the event will be offered to the first 150 customers who order the special South Shore/South Sider buffet. Come early as there will be no reservations taken that night. For more information about what promises to be a wonderful event contact Richard Reeder at
Monday, June 6, 2011
Max and Benny's Restaurant will be having a fundraising event benefitting the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF) on the evening of Monday, July 11, 2011. That evening, between the hours of 5:30 PM and 8:30 PM, Max and Benny's will donate 20% of our dine-in dinner proceeds to JDRF. We encourage JDRF supporters to bring friends and family that evening to make this event a great success. We suggest that you call ahead and make reservations so that we can accommodate your group. Max and Benny's is located at 461 Waukegan Road in Northbrook, in the Brookside Shopping Center Plaza opposite the entrance to the Eden's Spur. Our telephone number is 847-272-9490.
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Although Max and Benny's is officially located in Northbrook, Illinois, the largest number of our corporate catering customers seem to be located in Deerfield. After all, we are just across Waukegan Road from Deerfield. Perhaps Deerfield has more businesses than Northbrook, does anybody know that for a fact? No matter, whether you want the best and most delicious corporate or personal catering in the area, your first choice should be the scrumptious food that you can only find at Max and Benny's.
Marvin the Maven
Marvin the Maven
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
We Jews have got the reputation as being the "people of the book." So it makes sense that the the "Chicago Jewish Authors Literary Series" be hosted in the Prairie Room at Max and Benny's. The next speaker in the series is Libby Fischer Hellmann, the award-winning author of seven crime fiction thrillers, including the recent SET THE NIGHT ON FIRE. The event is on June 21 at 7:00 PM. All are welcome to attend. Complimentary refreshments will be served at the event, but come early for dinner at Max and Benny's and enjoy our wonderful food before the event.
Marvin the Maven
Marvin the Maven
Friday, May 6, 2011
When you are planning to get together with family or friends for a special occasion and feel crunched for time, please consider putting Max and Benny's Party Platters to work for you. These family-style dinners, served in our restaurant on circulating rotating trays, are a fun and convenient way to enjoy our scrumptious food.
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Remember the song "Tradition!" from the musical Fiddler on the Roof? Well when I think of tradition in Jewish food, I can't help think about our great offerings in the deli and restaurant at Max and Benny's. Our grandparents and great-grandparents who came to America from Central and Eastern brought with them traditional foods as gefilte fish, chopped liver, kreplach, matzo balls and kasha. Oh and did I forget the rugelach and mandel bread? These Jewish culinary traditions are kept alive and well at Max and Benny's in North Suburban Northbrook. Great comfort food not just for the Jewish community but for everyone. After all, to paraphrase a famous TV ad from years ago "you don't have to be Jewish to love Max and Benny's."
Marvin the Maven
Marvin the Maven
Monday, April 25, 2011
Soon we will be gathering together on Mother's Day to honor all the mothers in our family. What better idea than to treat your mom with a hassle-free, custom-made deli or dairy tray from Max and Benny's? And this year, Max and Benny's will include a complementary Mother's Day cake from our bakery with your tray order. Your mom will love you for it!
Thursday, April 14, 2011
So you are getting ready for your seder dinner, and you learn that you still need a few items. What to do? Come to Max and Benny's, your Passover shopping one-stop location. Not only do we get the folks from Northbrook, Deerfield and Highland Park who come to us for their last minute Peasach needs, but people come from the city of Chicago and cities in southern Wisconsin as well. So to paraphrase Julius Caesar "all roads lead to Max and Benny's during Passover. " After all, where else can you get, at the last minute, the best gefilte fish, potato kugel and chopped liver in town, if not Max and Benny's?
Marvin the Maven
Marvin the Maven
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
We are so pleased here at Max and Benny's of the great response among our customers for our gefilte fish, especially now during the days before the Passover holiday. One customer Melvin, a born and bred New Yorker, placed an order today for thirty pieces of gefilte fish for his two holiday seders. Melvin, after the order was placed, said "Max and Benny's gefilte fish is the best I've tasted from any restaurant, and that's from a New Yorker."
Marvin the Maven
Marvin the Maven
Max and Benny's seder dinner for the second night of Passover is growing more popular each year. Many cooks are so tired preparing the first night's seder meal at home. Eating at Max and Benny's on the second night of Passover, with a complete seder meal with passover wine and tables with linen, makes a wonderful family experience. We hope that you join us. Give us a call at 847-272-9490 and make your reservation.
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Don't Pass Over Max and Benny's for Passover
I know that it sounds a little bit corny, but I always tell customers at the deli counter to remember not to pass over Max and Benny's for all their Passover needs. What I mean by this is that we have regular customers coming and going to and from Chicago from their homes in Buffalo Grove or even as far as Kenosha, Racine and Milwaukee who are always passing Max and Benny's while they are driving on the Edens Spur. I tell them that we are right off the highway, and just take a minute or two and you can come in and load up for all your Passover food needs at Max and Benny's, your one-stop Passover food center.
Marvin the Maven
Marvin the Maven
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Are you getting tired eating the same old breakfast fare? Stop by Max and Benny's for breakfast and see how we are going bananas to make your breakfast a more unique experience. We are now offering, as breakfast specials, banana bread french toast and healthy banana pancakes, made with bananas, low fat yogurt, bran and egg whites. So come to Max and Benny's for breakfast, where we are going bananas for you!
Cousin Richie
Cousin Richie
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