Monday, September 6, 2010


I was talking to a few fellas this morning from the Milwaukee area who stopped by the deli to buy some items for Rosh HaShanah. They love the food at Max and Benny's. They are Northwestern University alumni who have season tickets for Wildcat football games. This year they are planning to stop by the restaurant for breakfast before each game, since we are so easily accessible by getting off at the Waukegan exit on the Eden's spur. Then they said they plan to get off the Edens on the way back home, exit at Dundee West, make a right on to Waukegan Road, and stop by to buy some more food at the deli. It's so convenient, since they can exit from our parking lot, enter the Spur on Waukegan that leads to the highway back to Wisconsin. One of the guys in the group (Ben was his name, there wasn't a Max in the group by the way) said that Max and Benny's was the best Jewish food he ever tasted and he mentioned that we are becoming an increasing favorite food destination for Wisconsin residents.

Marvin the Maven      


  1. Great to see other Cheeseheads heading down to Max and Benny's. I come down from Lake Geneva for the deli at least twice a month.

  2. Thank you so much for being there. We have nothing like you in Milwaukee.
